What paper colors can I choose from?
We offer 20 different paper colors. The first 8 colors are included in our normal pricing. The additional 12 colors are available at an additional cost. CLICK HERE to see our color options.
We offer 20 different paper colors. The first 8 colors are included in our normal pricing. The additional 12 colors are available at an additional cost. CLICK HERE to see our color options.
Our standard-color tickets are printed on 67# Vellum Bristol. Our upgraded colors are printed on 65# cover. All of these stocks are similar in weight to an index card. Occasionally we substitute other stocks of similar weight due to supply chain issues.
If you have any questions or need more information, please call us (570-664-6191), email us (customerservice@rafflesforless.com), or fill out the contact forms here on our website.
Your privacy is important to us. We do not share or sell your email or any other information with anyone. We may email you occasionally introducing you to other arms of our business. You can opt out of these emails at any time.
We would love to say that we never make mistakes. The honest truth, however, is that even the best of us make mistakes from time to time. What we can tell you, though, is this: We have built consistent, repeatable processes in our business that reduce the possibility of errors to a minimum. When we [...]
We require an approved proof (either on our website or via email) before we proceed with printing any job. Once you have approved a proof for production, we will print exactly what you have approved. It is important to scrutinize your proof carefully as no refunds can be given for errors that were not noticed [...]
As each order we produce is custom-printed, we do not offer returns of any kind.
For Design It Yourself orders, because of the speed in processing orders, cancellations are not possible. For Design It For Me orders that are cancelled after typesetting has been done but before the proof has been approved a partial refund may be given (typically the cost of printing and shipping the tickets). No cancellations are [...]
It is our intention to fill every order at the exact quantity ordered. Some orders that are stapled/padded in books may be overrun slightly in printing, but these tickets are typically discarded before shipping to avoid any confusion when reorders are placed. In some rare cases, a small number of tickets may be missing or [...]
Simply log into your account on our website, view your history, and hit the print icon next to your job. This will print your job summary/invoice.
© Raffles For Less 2023